Every person needs to find their OWN tools (their own AMMUNITION) to help them reach their individual goals- which include resuming or becoming more active (while at the same time, being able to keep pain/ symptoms better controlled)
The website has provided you with information on validating that Pain and other invisible symptoms (feelings) are real, may be difficult to understand, but can over time be better managed.
Learning to talk to yourself and others when discussing these invisible feelings- can make it easier to appreciate what has to be done to CHANGE those feelings
And CHANGE has become a key concept throughout this website- the need to being able to think about and do things differently.
It is true that the actual processing of the interpretation of pain (and all the different feelings) occurs in the brain.
But the more you understand how your physical body looks and works – and respond to these feelings appropriately, the less frustrating it will be to develop an exercise/activity program.
Putting it all together- 24/7- is the next step.
Take Your Body with you through the day.
Remind yourself (over and over again) that although persistent pain and other feelings may not be dangerous, they are telling you to DO something – to CHANGE that feeling.
So, now it up to YOU to develop the schedule- a plan that will allow you to perform your daily activities- as best you can without exacerbating the Ouchy feelings.
And here are some other ideas- TOOLS or AMMUNITION that can assist you to get through your day.
Using these devices can assist you to achieve your goals by ensuring that the does not get out of control.
But you still must do your exercises!!