Pain is a feeling – an experience that no one else can feel except you. Your pain (or other difficult to explain feelings) cannot be compared to anyone elses’.
Because the ‘feeling you do not like’ can have a physical, emotional or other cause, we will try to NOT to use the word pain.
The symbol will be used to describe any uncomfortable, annoying, distressing, frightening or confusing feelings you are experiencing. And since everyone’ problem is unique, each person must develop their own daily schedule (that means 24/7) to control or manage their symptoms.
There is no cure for a chronic pain problem. But, by learning to better control/manage symptoms, you will over time find that you have longer periods of feeling better and staying active.
Integrating good pain / symptom management principles into your day is a life-long process. The same exercise guidelines will apply to ALL activities that involve movement- from getting dressed, to doing your household and work chores, to your regular exercise program.
And understanding how to better control symptoms using conservative means of management – (not only medication), will allow you to remain active and engaged in your daily life.